Saturday, September 17, 2005

I'm 8 DPO

I'm at 8 DPO (that's days passed ovulation). Fascinating, huh? It sucks when you crave beer and you don't know if you're allowed to have it. I guess I'll skip it for now. I'm like 7 8-oz glasses of water shy for the day, anyway.

I'm thinking that one day they'll have pregnancy tests that work, like, the next day. That would be so nice. Some people say they know exactly when they conceived, but I think they're full of shit. First, it takes hours for the sperm to reach the egg. Second, so you feel cells dividing? What was that? Oh, I just felt my skin growing. Nope, I don't think so.

This blog must be so boring: Oh, I'm trying to conceive today. Oh, I'm waiting to see if I conceived today. I'll try to throw in some excitement soon. I'm going to Idaho and Montana for a few days and will probably do a pregancy test there (if it makes sense to). It would be cool to find out that you're knocked up while on a road trip. We'll see...

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