Monday, February 27, 2006

Holy cow

Wow. I'm pregnant. I am stunned. We tried one last time before the medicated IUI and it took. Did I mention that I'm stunned?

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Medicated IUI - Needles. Yuck.

My FSH is still slightly elevated and I have about 8 months left to try to conceive before the ovaries go outta business. Our RE recommended IVF but we've decided to start with a medicated IUI first. With the help of something called Follistim (which I'll inject into my abs for 5 days) and another injection called Ovidrel, my ovaries should produce some viable eggs. Then we'll do the IUI and try to catch one (or two). The sucky thing is that I have a trip planned in the middle and can't really get out of it (brother's big 5-0). Fingers are crossed, but thankfully, the tubes aren't.

Speaking of which, I had one of those evil HSGs. That's where they shoot dye through your cervix to see if your tubes are blocked. Feels like someone is eletrocuting you from the inside. My doctor walked me through the whole thing in his soothing voice, which made it less terrible. But I survived. Yay.

I've heard that you're more likely to conceive after having an HSG, so we're gunna try on our own this week. Couldn't hurt!